Priscilla Namingha Nampeyo

Medicine Ladle

Bowl: 4" H x 4 1/2" D
Handle: 4 1/2" L
(9" total length)

Priscilla Namingha Nampeyo (b.1924) is a third generation descendant of Nampeyo of Hano. Her mother was Rachel Namingha Nampeyo and her grandmother was Annie Healing Nampeyo. She has continued using the Sikyatki revival designs taught to her by her relatives. She is an outstanding potter and her designs are beautifully executed.

Priscilla's pots evoke her great-grandmother Nampeyo's work, but her own spiritual connection to clay is as much a part of the heritage she carries as are the designs and the technique. "I always pray when I do my pots, and I tell my children to do the same thing," she said in the early 1990s.

Her old age and failing eye sight have taken their toll on Priscilla, but she is spry as ever - and determined to keep on potting. In this, she carries on an age old tradition, passed down from generation to generation, and revitalized by her great-grandmother - the original Nampeyo.

Her work is featured in galleries and museums across the country. They are increasingly rare, and unless you are on a long waiting list, the likelihood of finding one is slim. Don't miss this chance to add a traditional piece of Hopi pottery by a living matriarch to your collection!

Gallery Price: $900.00


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